
  • Tick prevention in Cats

    Tick diseases are very well known in the human world, and unfortunately are becoming an even more common threat in our daily lives. While we know that Lyme disease can infect people, it also can infect dogs. While we know… Read More

  • International Turtle Day

    As May 23rd is International Turtle Day, we thought it would be a good opportunity to do a blog about a different kind of four-legged pet! While not as common as dogs or cats, many people enjoy having tortoises as household… Read More

  • As the temperatures heat up, so do our pets!

    As the weather warms up, we tend to spend more time on indoor activities enjoying the air conditioning and relief from the heat. Despite having various hair coats that have evolved to help maintain a normal body temperature, our furry… Read More

  • Heartworm Disease–the mosquitoes are out!!

    Mosquitoes are more than an itchy pest for us humans. While they are an annoyance to us, they pose a substantial health risk to our furry companions in the form of heartworm disease. Mosquitoes can transmit heartworm disease to our… Read More

  • Poison Prevention Month

    We do our best to keep our dogs and cats safe from potential toxins in our house, but the difficulty is just trying to keep track of the sheer number of things that they can get into!  There are numerous… Read More

  • Anal Gland Expression

    Anal sacs (also called anal glands) are two small glands located just inside your pet’s rectum. The material secreted into these sacs is a thick liquid, which is typically oily, stinky, and “fishy”. While many wild animals can empty these… Read More

  • Tick Control in the Fall

    Ticks commonly are thought of as summer pests, something that we all need to start wearing Deet for as soon as we are able to get out and enjoy the warm weather!  Due to the life cycle of ticks, however, fall is… Read More

  • Periodontal Disease

    With the start of each new year comes dental awareness months for our pets.  We humans are recommended to visit the dentist every 6 months for cleanings and teeth evaluation…and we brush our teeth twice a day, every day!  For… Read More

  • Diabetes Treatment

    Once a diagnosis of diabetes has been reached, we then have to adjust a pet’s lifestyle in order to treat the disease.The most critical part of diabetic treatment is insulin injections.As the body cannot produce enough insulin on its own,… Read More

  • Diabetes

    In order to understand what diabetes is, it is important to understand the components of a normal metabolism.The pancreas is an internal organ that sits between the stomach and small intestine.It secretes digestive enzymes into the intestinal tract, but also… Read More